“The more you connect to the breath, the more you draw on the wisdom you already have. Connecting to our breath, connecting to our wisdom, is what helps us to move intelligently through new phases in our lives. Every time you do that you get stronger.” ~ Cat Allen, Forrest Yoga Guardian
Eternally grateful for the love, support and wisdom of Cat Allen and her amazing online Forrest Yoga classes on Mat2Mat.
I first started learning from Cat about pre- and post-natal yoga last summer. At the time I wanted to learn more in order to help one of my private clients move intelligently through her pregnancy using yoga as a support. Little did I know then how relevant it would become for me personally.
I am now 5 months pregnant and absolutely thrilled to be experiencing how it feels to grow a little human inside my body. It’s a privilege, a delight and, at times, a huge challenge!
It’s thrown everything I thought I had some sort of grip on up in the air (what the practice of yoga means to me, how I take care of myself and my energy while practicing and teaching…) and I’ve yet to see where it will all land.
One thing I do know is that the learning that will emerge and the experiences that will unfold through this major life transition will be different to anything that’s come before.
I’m using my yoga and meditation practice to help me to stay present as this experience unfolds. To remain open and curious about whatever comes next. To build trust and confidence in my body’s ability to birth. And to continue to explore the Beauty within each moment of this delicate and precious journey into motherhood.
If you’re also in this phase of your life and you’re interested in using yoga as a support, get in touch at wellbeingwithkatie@gmail.com